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Niceville Animal Supply

Omega Horseshine

Omega Horseshine

Regular price $31.99 USD
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The Omega-3 supplement to help maintain a shiny healthy coat, strong solid hooves and top performance for horses in all life stages.

May help:

  • 10mg of Biotinper serving
  • Now with Chelated Mineralsand Lysine for better uptake
  • Improvecracked brittle horse hooves and develops strong solid hoof growth
  • Promoteshiny, healthy coat, and smoother skin texture
  • Alleviatestiff, immobile joints
  • Sootheaching muscles and shortens recovery time
  • Strengthenimmune system
  • Reducesweet itch and bug bite sores
  • Non-GMOnatural horse supplement without artificial preservatives
  • Alternativefor pysllium which prevents sand colic in horses
  • Benefitpregnant mares as a source of Omega-3 essential fatty acids for the growing foal
  • Recommendedfor Insulin Resistance and Cushings

The premium Omega-3 supplement made with stabilized, ground, whole flaxseed. Omega Horseshine® is a powerful bountiful source of stable milled flax, rich in Omega-3!

New & Improved Formula includes 10 mg of Biotin per ½ cup serving, chelated minerals and added Lysine for better uptake.

The Omega-3 stabilized ground flax seed supplement for horses – made with stabilized and freshly milled flax – to help maintain a shiny healthy coat, strong solid hooves, and top performance – for horses in all life stages. Omega Fields provides the best stabilized ground flax that is stabilized using Pure Glean stabilizing technology. Dry scaly itchy skin, joint pain/inflammation, poor hoof growth, allergies, pregnancy*, etc. may indicate a deficiency of Omega-3 essential fatty acids in the diet. To overcome these deficiencies the horse may need to get an increased serving size (up to 2 to 3 cups) of Omega Horseshine® every day, short term.

*Pregnancy is a condition associated with Omega-3 deficiency because of the foal’s fast-growing brain, eye, and organ cell use up all available Omega-3s from the mare.

All flaxseed used in Omega Fields’ products is milled to Global Food Safety Initiative standards for human consumption, employing a rigorous microbial reduction process and utilizing our Pure Glean stabilization technique for long shelf life. The flaxseed is certified to BRCGS Standards, and guaranteed shelf stable for a MINIMUM of one year under (many have an 18 month shelf life) ambient storage conditions – no refrigeration or special packaging required!

Omega Horseshine® is also a nutritious alternative for psyllium husks to help prevent sand colic. Omega Horseshine® contains a high mucilage (soluble fiber) content that swells and takes a gel-like consistency, flax mucilage traps and suspends sand, carrying it out of the GI tract. Omega Horseshine® acts to buffer excess acid and aids in the stabilization and modulation of blood glucose.

If your horse were out on pasture with all natural grasses and plants of your region, they would naturally be supplementing their diet with Omega-3 –with plants high in Omega-3, such as purslane. Unfortunately this isn’t the case, and if you are lucky enough to have pasture for your horse – it is not natural grassland. It is necessary to supplement your horses’ diet with Omega Horseshine® – Omega-3 rich ground stabilized flaxseed.

One of the most common concerns among horse owners is how they can improve their horse’s hair coat to appear sleek and shiny. Many people already have a basic understanding that supplementing flaxseed in their horse’s diet improves hair coat quality and appearance by providing essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) or EFAs. But what many people don’t know are the benefits that flaxseed provides in addition to making the hair coat show quality.

Spring provides horses a chance to shed their winter hair coat, eat green grass, and bask in the sun, but many times it also means pesky insects, inevitably resulting in pruritus or itchy skin. Perhaps one of the most common causes of pruritus, are Culicoides insects, commonly known as midges, and what’s often referred to as ‘sweet itch’ (1). These insects cause a type-I hypersensitivity reaction, which would be a similar reaction a human experiences after exposure to poison ivy. Pruritus causes extreme discomfort and in some cases may result in horses causing self-mutilation while trying to alleviate discomfort.

There is evidence that supplementing EFAs help prevent and treat pruritus, whether it be caused by Culicoides or another ailment that results in seasonal pruritus. EFAs work at the cellular level by targeting the inflammation associated with dermatitis. When a type-1 hypersensitivity reaction occurs it is the body’s overreaction to a foreign stimulus. Flaxseed is one of the highest natural vegetable sources containing EFAs which ultimately shutdown the inflammatory cascade and reduce the severity of the skin’s reaction.  In other words, flaxseed enables immunosuppression and thereby reducing the pruritus that results from insect exposure (2).

The benefits of flaxseed supplementation is still being researched, however there is enough evidence that flaxseed supplementation should be considered for more than hair coat health. Although Culicoides are not as common or considered a problem in small animals, the same concept may be carried over to dogs and cats with atopic dermatitis, a skin reaction most often associated with fleas.

1. Clarke A, McKee S, O’Neill W. Flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum) supplementation associated with reduced skin test lesional area in horses with Culicoides hypersensitivity. Can I Vet Res 2002; 66 (4): 272-277.

2. Cunning SC, Ganguli S, Menard C, et al. High alpha-linolenic acid flaxseed (Linum usitatissimum): some nutritional properties in humans. Br J Nutr 1993; 69:443–453.



Omega Horseshine® is recommended as an effective Omega-3 supplement for Cushings and IR horses. Omega Horseshine®, has a very low 5.9% NSC value (as sampled basis) coming from 2.3% Starch and 3.6% Sugar and is recommended as a safe source of essential Omega-3 for IR/Cushings horses. It is true that the Omega 3 in flax substitutes for what a horse on a dry lot is missing in not being on pasture. Please see more information below.

Many equine natural-nutrition experts recommend horses should eat fats in amounts and types that mimic their ancestral diet. The natural equine diet of fresh grasses is extremely low in fat, with the naturally occurring fat predominantly Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acid. The Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acid levels in fresh grasses are at 4:1 (Omega-3 to Omega-6). Ground flax seed has Omega-3 and Omega-6 levels that are the closest to fresh grasses. The Omega-3 and Omega-6 levels in flax seed run at least 4:1, often even higher.

Omega Horseshine® contains 38% crude fat and has a 38.9% Carbohydrate level with a NSC level of 5.9% (Starch 2.3% and Sugar 3.6%). It is one of the safest and most natural ways to supplement the healthy Omega-3 fat in animals — which provides side “benefits” of beautiful bloom, soft smooth skin, strong solid hoof growth, prevention of inflammatory problems from bug bites/allergies, relief from arthritic pain, sufficient Omega-3 for pregnant mares and it is safe for your metabolically challenged horses.

We also would like to recommend that you visit one of the most relevant and interesting sources of information on the web concerning effective treatment for Cushings and Insulin Resistant (IR) horses — Dr. Kellon, world renowned and respected equine veterinarian, researcher, and acclaimed author. When you join the group (no cost or obligation), you will be able to access their tremendous files section. It holds a plethora of information.

Following is an abstract from recent research suggesting an improvement in IR’s insulin sensitivity and a significant decrease in levels of inflammatory markers as well (arthritis relief), with Omega-3 fats:

Ren Fail. 2007;29(3):321-9

Effects of N-3 PUFAs supplementation on insulin resistance and inflammatory biomarkers in hemodialysis patients.

Rasic-Milutinovic Z, Perunicic G, Pljesa S, Gluvic Z, Sobajic S, Djuric I, Ristic D. Department of Endocrinology, University Hospital Zemun/Belgrade, Serbia.

AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: It was suggested that polyunsaturated n-3 fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) could improve insulin sensitivity and have an anti-inflammatory effects in overall population. This study investigates a possible effect of n-3 PUFAs supplementation on the insulin sensitivity and some inflammatory markers; hence, patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) on maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) are presented with insulin resistance. METHODS: This study explored the ratio between red blood cells (RBC) phospholipid long chain fatty acids (LC FAs) and components of metabolic syndrome (MeS) in 35 patients (mean age 54.50 +/- 11.99 years) with CRF on MHD. Furthermore, the effects of omega-3 FA eight-week’s supplementation (EPA+DHA, 2.4 g/d) on the MeS features and inflammatory markers TNF-alpha, IL 6, and hsCRP were examined. RESULTS: Supplementation increased EPA and DHA levels in RBCs (p = 0.009 for EPA and p = 0.002 for DHA). Total n-6 PUFAs: n-3 PUFAs ratio tended to be lower after supplementation (p = 0.31), but not significantly. Data revealed a significant decrease of saturated FAs (SFA) (p = 0.01) as well as total SFA: n-3 PUFAs ratio during the treatment (p = 0.04). The values of serum insulin and calculated IR index-IR HOMA were reduced after supplementation (p = 0.001 for both). There was a significant decrease in the levels of all inflammatory markers (p = 0.01 for TNF alpha, p = 0.001 for IL 6, p = 0.001 for hsCRP, and p = 0.01 for ferritin). In ultivariate regression analysis, only the changes in n-6 PUFAs: n-3 PUFAs ratio independently contributed to 40% of the variance in IR HOMA. The impact of changes in PUFAs level in RBCs membrane phospholipid fatty acids on inflammation markers was also registered. The changes in n-6: n-3 PUFAs ratio independently contributed to 18% of the variance in TNF alpha. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the EPA and DHA moderate dose administration in the patients with CRF on MHD had a beneficial effect on insulin resistance decrease. The anti-inflammatory effects of the supplemented PUFAs were presented as well.

Check out this great article — benefits of supplementing with flaxseed to help with Sweet Itch in Horses.  By Wendy Pearson, PhD (CR of Veterinary Toxicology)

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